Case Studies

Connecticut State Colleges & Universities

Statewide and Program-Specific

Challenge: In response to a critical shortage of nurses and social workers, the State of Connecticut created Health Horizons, a program designed to get professionals in the workforce. Comprehensive in scope, Health Horizons partnered with more than 30 public and private colleges to offer tuition assistance to low-income and minority students in BSN, Psych NP, and MSW programs and funds to recruit new faculty in order expand capacity by 1,000 additional students.
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Kingswood Oxford

Website Content & Storytelling

Challenge: To create original website copy — in the storytelling style — that sells the value of Kingswood Oxford school while inspiring users to take action.
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Menlo College

Mid-Year Transfer Campaign

Challenge: Menlo College, an AACSB-accredited Business and Psychology institution in Silicon Valley, had a modest budget for a big goal: $7,300 to reach, engage and convert transfer students over the winter break.
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Solomon Schechter Day School

Website Redesign

Challenge: A Jewish day school in greater Hartford, Solomon Schechter’s website was in need of an overhaul to update the look, function and content.
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Three Rivers Community College

Summer Digital Enrollment Campaign

Challenge:Three Rivers Community College experienced a gap in its summer enrollment numbers.
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Three Rivers Community College

Fall Digital Enrollment Campaign

Challenge:Three Rivers, like many community colleges, experiences most application activity late in the recruitment cycle.
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University of North Carolina Wilmington

Summer Enrollment Campaign

Challenge: Existing in a competitive enrollment market, and as part of a state system, UNCW found itself behind in transfer and first-year applications.
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University of Saint Francis

Marketing the Value of the Undergrad Experience

Challenge: A Catholic university in the Midwest, the University of Saint Francis offers a distinctive liberal arts education. Interviews with numerous students and alumni show deep appreciation for the personalized learning environment, supportive faculty, extensive internships, Catholic values, and welcoming community. In a world where all small private colleges promise the same, how best to market this comprehensive undergraduate experience?
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University of Saint Francis

Website Redesign

Challenge:A growing university with healthy business, healthcare, education, and arts programs, the university’s website was a hindrance to enrollment efforts: it had multiple subdomains with competing messages, making for a messy user experience; mostly, though, it did not represent the institution’s vibrancy and recent growth.
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University of Saint Joseph

Website Redesign

Challenge:Though highly regarded for its health programs, the University — a Catholic women’s institution at the time — was struggling with enrollment. Over a 5-year period, first-year enrollment declined more than 31%.
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University of Maine

Digital Enrollment Campaign

Challenge:This flagship state university experienced a dip in enrollment — not just to private institutions, but to other flagships in the region. Looking to expand messaging to new regions, the university needed a cost-effective way of targeting and reaching out-of-state students.
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University of Maine

Content for Viewbook, Search Piece, & Email Communications Flow

Challenge:The University needed to update its printed recruitment material to reflect its new “Define Tomorrow” brand and scholarship programs.
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